Sherpa-Trek, Julbo, Patagonia, Wilsa Outdoor Equipment, Wechsel tents, Barry Callebaut, Yatri tours Nepal, Manfrotto Distribution.
Friends, Family, Individuals, Translators
Pierre Soete, Cecile Vallet, Bernard Nokerman, Stanislas Rusinsky, Denis Olivier Poulet, Pierre Boucquey, Martin Boucquey, Annabelle Seynaeve, Jean-Louis Lenoir, Jean-François Loncke, Martine & Philippe Loncke, Jean-Charles Mullier, Christophe Oudot, Jacques Beaume, Guillaume Torrente, Nicolas Kervyn, Michael Thomas, Sarah Novello, Mallin Kallstrom, André Mochamps, Calin Haiduc, Geoffroy Timmermans, Benoit Albanel, Cristina Casais López, Claudia Attina, Victoria Kapitunova, Mélanie Gérentes, Anika Rendelmann, Zhicheng Yang, Leonardo Victorazzi, Onur Kahraman, Raju Sharma, Luiz Carrossini, Rosita Zilli, Gloria Barilari, Kareen Goldfeder, Sanjay Jayachandran.
Adventurers, explorers, mountaineers
Jean-Luc Fohal
The Adventure blog
The Adventurist
Le Journal du Trek
Goran & Aida
ASBL Nepal-Secours
RotaryClub of Mouscron
Art in All of us
Regards sur l'Himalaya
La maison du Népal
The Comrads
Philotrans - Translations & proofreadings in the heart of Europe
Best Belgian Chocolate in the World - BBCW
L’appel du dessert
Association des Chercheurs en Danse
PS: If we forgot anyone, please drop us an email at BelgianAdventurerERASECAPITALLETTERS at
The Adventure blog
The Adventurist
Le Journal du Trek
Goran & Aida
ASBL Nepal-Secours
RotaryClub of Mouscron
Art in All of us
Regards sur l'Himalaya
La maison du Népal
The Comrads
Philotrans - Translations & proofreadings in the heart of Europe
Best Belgian Chocolate in the World - BBCW
L’appel du dessert
Association des Chercheurs en Danse
PS: If we forgot anyone, please drop us an email at BelgianAdventurerERASECAPITALLETTERS at